
By train and bus

There are different modes of transportation to visit Hakone. Here are some examples for visiting us.


We are a three-minute walk from Motohakone bus stop/Motohakone port. Please walk toward Hakone shrine seeing Lake Ashi on your left, and Police box is in front of us.

Please see transportation companies’ web site for further information.

By car

There are different route to visit Hakone. Here are some examples for visiting us.

Tomei Expressway Atsugi I.C. Odasawa-Atsugi road Yumoto Motohakone about 50 minutes
Tomei Expressway Gotenba I.C. Otome rodad Sengokuhara Motohakone about 40 minutes
Tomei Expressway Mishima I.C. Route 1 Hakne toge(pass) Motohakone about 40 minutes


For further information on Accommodation and Day trip to hot springs, please see Contact.